Yumfawa Primary Health Center

List of Services

  1. 1. Antenatal check up
  2. 2. Basic Obstetric Care (Normal Delivery)
  3. 3. Manage Haemorrhage
  4. 4. Antenatal care lab test - HTC
  5. 5. Counseling and Motivation for Family Planning
  6. 6. Diabetes Control
  7. 7. Diagnose malaria in pregnancy
  8. 8. Diagnosis and Management of Diarrhea
  9. 9. Diagnosis and Treatment of Malaria
  10. 10. Dispensing Injectable
  11. 11. Dispensing of Contraceptive
  12. 12. Dispensing of Male and Female Condoms
  13. 13. Health Education and Community Mobilisation
  14. 14. Hepatitis Diagnosis and Control
  15. 15. Hypertension Management
  16. 16. Identification and Management of Sick New-Born
  17. 17. Immunization Services
  18. 18. Intrauterine Contraceptive Device (IUCD)
  19. 19. IPTp to pregnant woman
  20. 20. Manage Neonatal Tetanus
  21. 21. Management of Asthma
  22. 22. PMTCT/HIV
  23. 23. Post Natal Care
  24. 24. Prevent and Manage New-born Hypo/Hyperthermia
  25. 25. Prevent New-Born Infection (e.g. using Chlorhexidine gel)
  26. 26. Provide Iron /Folate
  27. 27. Provision of Post-Partum Family Planning (PPFP) Methods
  28. 28. Treat other STDs apart from Syphilis
  29. 29. Treat Pneumonia with AMX DT
  30. 30. Tuberculosis Control and Management

Basic Info

  • :      Health Clinic
  • :      Dawakin Tofa
  • :      08032982816
  • :      Not Available
  • :      Yumfawa PHC Danbatta Road, Kano
  • :      12 Hours
  • :      Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday
  • :      Take Me There