Training of staff on the operations and management of DRF | News

Kano State Primary Health Care Management Board with support from Sustainable Health Commodity Supply System Committee, SHCSSC organized a 3-day training of health facilities on Drug Revolving Fund, DRF operations.
DRF is about ensuring good quality essential medicines are always available in our health facilities at affordable prices thereby increasing access to quality medicines to Kano state citizens through public health facilities.
The training is about scaling up the number of DRF PHCs with 30 new additional health facilities across many local government areas in the state.
The objective of the training is for the participant to learn the concept of Kano state DRF, how to manage, and operate DRF in their health facilities.
In his welcome address, the Executive Secretary, Dr. Tijjani Hussaini enjoined the new facilities that will start DRF operations to stick to the standard operational guidelines of the scheme, and make sure no room for abuse so that the purpose of the scheme be achieved, failure of which sanction will follow accordingly.
There are currently 815 DRF health facilities in the state, 44 General hospitals, 765 PHC, and 6 Faith based Organization.
